Establishing the Essential Zone: Free Gingival Graft for Gingival Augmentation and Root Coverage


Free gingival graft
gingival augmentation
gingival recession
root coverage


Gingival recession is a frequently encountered clinical finding which causes compromised aesthetics and dentinal hypersensitivity leading to an inadequate zone of keratinised gingiva and might facilitate subgingival plaque formation resulting in further attachment loss. Epithelised soft tissue graft harvested from the hard palate, commonly known as free gingival graft is simple and highly predictable when used to increase the amount of keratinised tissue. This case report highlights the use of free gingival graft as a gingival augmentation and root coverage procedure for 26-year-old patient with Cairo Recession Type 2 mucogingival defects with optimum aesthetic outcome. 



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